Bird call šŸ¦

Listen to a sound around you. Where have you heard it before? What memories come to mind?

Iā€™m back in Arizona after a week-long road trip with my parents and spent last night in the backyard, watching the sunset.

Hearing the desert birds, I was transported back to my high school Field Studies class, where we learned bird calls.

I could still picture Mr. Draper playing each one as we wrote down the names. Part of our tests even involved mimicking them.

I once missed a test for a soccer game and had to make it up alone in a dark classroom, calling out and recording bird sounds to no one. It felt ridiculous then, but I never forgot how to do it.

Last night, the birds brought that memory back to meā€”a reminder of a special chapter in my life.

Journal Prompt

Listen to a sound around you as you journal today. Where have you heard it before? What memories does it bring back?

Happy journaling,


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