Comparison šŸ”‘

Who sparks jealousy in you, and what does it reveal about your desires?

Weā€™ve all heard that comparison is the thief of joy.

Yet, in a world where weā€™re constantly exposed to what others have, it can be difficult to avoid.

Mel Robbinsā€™ advice? Use comparison as your teacher. 

ā€œIf youā€™re jealous right now about someone elseā€™s success, GOOD. Iā€™m happy for you. Jealousy is an invitation from your future self. It is inviting you to look more closely at someone elseā€”not to make you feel inferior, but to show you what is possible.ā€

This reframe can open you up to a world of possibilities.

ā€œLet them wake you up. Let them be successful. Let them dazzle you.ā€

Journal Prompt

Consider a person who brings up feelings of jealousy. What aspects of their life do you long for? As you reflect, write, ā€œI believe ___ is possible for me, too.ā€

Happy journaling,


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