Day 10: Telling a better story 📖

Do you need to revise your life story?

Hey, hey!

We made it to Friday, friends. 👊

Are you excited for the weekend? I know I am.

Today’s journal prompt was inspired by Donald Miller’s memoir, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better Story.

The book recounts Miller's experience collaborating on a movie script based on his life, which made him realize how he needed to start living a better story.

Essentially, our lives unfold as stories in real-time, and we are the authors of our own life stories, giving us the power to make intentional choices to shape the narrative we want.

And just like any story, our life stories require ongoing editing and revision over time.

Journal Prompt

Are you living out a first-draft narrative that no longer aligns with your authentic self? How can you revise and refine your life story to better reflect the person you have become in this present moment? What aspects need to be modified or rewritten so that the story you are living embodies a truer, more fulfilling expression of who you are?

Happy journaling,


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