Day 11: Gratitude = growth energy 🙏

What are you grateful for?

Hey, hey!

Welcome to the weekend. 😌

So this was me all week:

Sick Season 4 GIF by Friends

I had the cold from hell since Tuesday and am finally (finally!) on the mend. 

If one thing is true, it’s that this cold made me immensely grateful for my health and for the days in which I can hold a conversation without coughing a lung out.

Which brings me to today’s prompt:

Journal Prompt

Set a timer and write for a full 20 minutes on what you’re grateful for. 

Initially, you may find yourself appreciating the more obvious blessings like friends, family, and your health. However, as time passes, you'll likely find yourself appreciating the intricate details that bring joy to your life – the warm sunbeam illuminating the pages of your journal, or the faint birdsong greeting you through the window.

In my perspective, gratitude acts as a catalyst for growth and abundance.

By actively appreciating what you currently have, you create a pathway for attracting more of what you desire into your life.

Enjoy journaling to today’s prompt and know that I’m deeply grateful for you :)


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