Day 13: Engaging the senses đź‘€

Vividly describe a moment through the lens of your five senses.

Happy Monday, friends.

In high school, I had an English teacher who assigned us the task of writing a descriptive essay.

The objective was to vividly capture a specific moment from our lives by engaging all five senses.

As an example, she chose a scene from the novel, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, where the lion begins to growl in slow motion.

However, instead of just describing it, she acted it out by climbing on her desk and locking eyes with the class.

Then, she unleashed a growl that lasted for thirty seconds.

Despite our initial surprise, we were fully immersed in the raw intensity of her performance. We could feel the hot breath emanating from her ferocious growl. Our eyes traced the outline of her teeth and the wrinkles around her mouth. Our ears perceived the growl's crescendo, starting as a deep, guttural rumble and building into an intimidating, full-bodied roar.

She didn’t just tell us about a lion growling. We experienced a lion growling.

Even if it was just my 4’9” English teacher pretending to be one.

Journal Prompt

Recall an experience in your recent past that moved you in some way. Then, transport yourself back to that singular moment and vividly depict it through the lens of your five senses - sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste.

Happy journaling,


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