Day 14: Memento mori đź’€

What does contemplating your mortality bring up for you?

Hey, hey —

Happy Tuesday.

I had a friend who I met while traveling through Portugal a few years back. He had the phrase “memento mori” tattooed on his wrist and his phone background was a clock that was counting down the days, hours, and seconds until he turns 90, or essentially when he thinks he’ll die.

At first, I thought it was a bit morbid.

But the more I thought about it, the more I appreciated his approach to life.

The phrase, “memento mori” is a Latin phrase that translates to, “remember you must die.” And my friend used the countdown as a gentle reminder of life's finite nature. 

One day we won’t be here anymore. So don’t postpone the things that matter most to you because tomorrow is never promised. 

Journal Prompt

How does the Latin phrase "memento mori" resonate with you on an emotional level? When you think about the the inescapable reality that your life will one day come to an end, what thoughts and emotions arise within you? Is there a recurring issue or ambition that you feel you should be prioritizing more?

Happy journaling,


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