Day 17: Forgiving yourself ❣️

What can you forgive yourself for?

Good morning, friend. 👋

Did you sleep OK?

In my 31 years of life, the thing I’ve learned that led to the most transformation wasn’t from the time I went to a healing retreat or when I did ayahuasca for 3 nights in a row (although, my god, did that bring up a lot).

The single thing that led to the most transformation was when I learned to forgive myself.

And really forgive myself.

Each of us has regrets from our past. However, dwelling on these moments isn't productive. Instead, it's crucial to grant ourselves forgiveness. After all, we're only human.

Journal Prompt

What can you forgive yourself for? What can you do to signal to yourself that it’s forgiven and that there’s no need to hold onto it anymore?

Happy journaling,


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