Day 19: Letting creative ideas through 🧚

Where do you get your best ideas?

Good morning,

Where do you get your best ideas?

It took me years to understand this about myself.

For a long time, I thought if I’d go to a coffee shop and sit there long enough, eventually I’d get the creative inspiration I was looking for. 

In a way, I thought I could force creativity out of myself. But I realized that’s not the case.

My best ideas come when I’m doing these two things in particular:

  1. Showering

  2. Going on a walk

And it always happens the same way. I’ll be showering or walking and for the first few minutes, I run through my to-do list and all the “monkey mind” related thoughts.

Then after about 5 minutes, my mind begins to quiet down and something amazing happens. The only way I can describe it is as if a trap door opens up in the back of my head and the universe can throw in ideas I’ve never thought of before.

It never seems like these ideas come from me, rather they come from something outside of me and I’ve just quieted down my brain enough to let them through.

Now whenever I need to work on a creative project I either get in the shower or go for a walk. 

And the ideas come flooding.

Journal Prompt

Think about where you get your best ideas. What factors do you believe contribute to the emergence of your most creative thoughts in these particular settings?

Happy journaling,


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