Day 196: Synchronicities ✨

What remarkable synchronicities have you experienced in your life?

Carl Jung once described synchronicity as “an ever-present reality for those who have eyes to see.” This concept has always fascinated me, especially after what happened yesterday.

My friend Maria and I were at Ta' Pinu, a sanctuary renowned worldwide where people go to seek the fulfillment of their dreams and desires. I placed my desire to transition from the corporate world into teaching.

On our return journey from Gozo to Malta, in a twist of fate, we met a woman from my hometown of Tucson on the ferry—who happens to be a teacher.

This encounter was a vivid reminder of Jung’s idea: there’s a responsive and intelligent universe orchestrating events in our favor.

Journal Prompt

Reflect on the synchronicities in your life. What are some remarkable ones you've experienced?

Happy journaling,


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