Day 2: Making decisions ✅

What have you still not decided on?

Hey there,

How’d you sleep? 

The focus of today's journaling exercise revolves around a challenge that likely resonates with many of us: the art of decision-making.

When we’re stuck on something and afraid to move forward, it’s easy for us to procrastinate or hold off on deciding.

Although this approach may appear to be the path of least resistance, it frequently leads to heightened discomfort or unease.

Consider this: what happens when you make a decision only to realize it was the wrong choice? Well, you’ll adapt and choose another path. Ultimately, making a choice is liberating. It releases us from stagnation and frees us up to move forward in life.

Journal Prompt

What have you still not decided on? Why have you been avoiding making a decision? How do you envision the outcome if you were to commit to a decision today?

Happy journaling, my friend. I’ll see you here tomorrow! 👊 


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