Day 22: Writing to your future self 🔭

Write a letter to future you.

Good morning, friend.

I have this tradition.

Once a year, I compose a letter addressed to my future self. In the letter, I’ll congratulate myself for all the things I’ve accomplished in the current year.

It sounds cheesy, but I always 1) forget about it and then 2) stumble across it and get so excited to read it.

And most of the time, the things I’m congratulating myself about have actually happened. 

Journal Prompt

Compose a letter addressed to your future self, precisely one year from now. Celebrate and acknowledge the specific achievements you anticipate accomplishing over the course of this year. For extra credit, tear out this letter from your journal and enclose it in an envelope addressed to your future self, or use a free tool like FutureMe to schedule an email to your future self.

Happy journaling,


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