Day 25: On being humble 🙊

What do you want to be acknowledged for?

Hey, friend. 🙃

We made it to the weekend! So treat yourself to that bagel and slap on the extra cream cheese.

Here’s a quote I’ve been thinking about lately: “Don’t be so humble, you’re not that great”.

Upon hearing it for the first time, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. 

It seems to me that our society strives to maintain a facade of politeness, inadvertently dimming our own light in the process. Chances are you’re not the next Beethoven, Meryl Streep, or Mark Twain. 

And this is a good thing!

Because now you have an excuse to not be so humble and brag a bit about yourself.

Journal Prompt

What’s something you’ve accomplished lately that you want to celebrate and be acknowledged for? How can you make it known to the people around you that you’ve accomplished this thing? How will you celebrate yourself for it?

Happy journaling,


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