Day 27: Change it, accept it, or leave it ✅

Evaluate your situations through 3 lenses.


And Happy Memorial Day. 🥳

If you have the day off (which hopefully you do), I wish you a gloriously lazy TV binge-fest without an ounce of guilt.

I heard this perspective recently that really resonated with me. 

When facing any kind of challenge or difficulty in life, we basically have three options:

  • Change it and work on shifting things in a different direction. Example: If you're unhappy with your job, you could update your resume and start reaching out to your network.

  • Accept it for what it is, especially if it's out of our control. Example: You can’t help it if it starts to rain on your park day, so quickly changing it to a movie date is your best bet.

  • Leave it alone and decide not to even engage. Example: Someone cutting you off in traffic - no need to rage, just let it go.

Now to the prompt.

Journal Prompt

Think about the different situations you're dealing with right now. Which ones could you try to change? Which ones require acceptance? And which ones might be better off just letting go of entirely?

Happy journaling,


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