Day 32: Main character energy ✨

Seeing obstacles as necessities for a good story.


And happy Saturday :)

We've all heard that saying about obstacles being "opportunities in disguise." But let's be honest - when you're dealing with a real setback, it can be hard to see any potential upside.

That's why I find this movie analogy from life coach Marie Forleo so helpful for gaining perspective: 

“Say you’re watching a two-hour movie, and 45 minutes in, all hell breaks loose. If you walked out at that very moment, you’d think the character was a total failure. But that’s just an inflection point. Their story isn’t over. And neither is yours.”

Obstacles and challenges are normal, unavoidable parts of any compelling story. Could you imagine how boring your favorite movies would be if the main character never faced any adversity or gave up at the first sign of trouble?

So instead of viewing obstacles as setbacks, try to see them as necessities for an interesting, meaningful life story to unfold.

Now let’s go to the prompt:

Journal Prompt

If you were watching your life as a Netflix movie, what would you want the main character (i.e. you) to do?

Happy journaling,


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