Day 38: Getting centered 🎯

What's your daily activity that keeps you centered?

Hey there,

Happy Friday!

Today's journal prompt was inspired by this short article from Ryan Holiday. In it, he describes his ideal Saturday routine, which involves going for an early morning walk with his son, followed by writing. 

The crucial point is that it's not about feeling productive in a way that perpetuates the constant grind or "rat race." Instead, the emphasis is on engaging in an activity that doesn't feel forced or like an obligation, yet still provides a sense of accomplishment.

Holiday quotes Callie Oettinger, who said: "You don't have to do a lot every day, but you have to do something." 

He emphasizes that when you know what that "something" is, you gain power, clarity, and control over your life. You know what to prioritize and what to say no to, and you understand what your life needs to be built around.

Journal Prompt

What is that "something" you can do every day to keep you centered? Something that never feels forced, but primes the pump for a creative and centered day ahead. (Besides journaling, of course 😉).

Happy journaling,


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