Day 4: (Not) winning the lottery 💰

What would you do if you *didn’t* win the lottery?

Howdy friend,

During my childhood, I remember my parents purchasing me a lottery ticket. 

I so badly wanted to win, to the extent I made a shrine for the ticket, printing out photos of all the things I’d buy if I won. This included a mansion for myself and my family, a sexy sportscar, and a trip to Disneyland for me and all my friends (remember that 90’s commercial?).

Obviously, I didn’t win.

But as I grew up, I realized I was asking myself the wrong question.

The probability of winning the Powerball, for example, is 1 in 292 million. You’re more likely to be killed by a falling coconut or be abducted by aliens who insist on teaching you their intergalactic cuisine.

So for today’s journal prompt, let's dream realistically and approach it with a grounded mindset.

Journal Prompt

What would you do if you didn’t win the lottery? What would you prioritize in life? What would you save up for and why?

Happy journaling,


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