Day 40: Taming the mammoth 🦣

Identify some irrational fears your "mammoth" has that are holding you back from being yourself.


And happy Sunday.

Today's journal prompt was inspired by Tim Urban's article on the "Social Survival Mammoth" - that ancient part of our brain that craves approval and fears rejection. 

This mammoth helped our ancestors survive by fitting into small tribes 50,000 years ago. But in modern times, letting it control our thoughts and actions is irrational and stifles our true, authentic selves.

So how can we tame this mammoth that lives inside all of us?

By first getting a clear and honest assessment of what’s going on in our heads, figuring out where the mammoth is hiding, and deciding where it needs to be ousted.

Now let’s go to the prompt:

Journal Prompt

Identify some irrational fears your "mammoth" has that are holding you back from being yourself. Write about why those fears don't make logical sense.

Then, ask yourself what is one small step you could take this week to start expressing your true self more, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. How can you build courage?

Happy journaling,


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