Day 42: What can you get away with? 🤸

By taking the pressure off.


I came across this quote recently and loved it: "See what you can get away with."

What appeals to me is how it takes the pressure off things. Instead of saying "I want to become a DJ" which can feel like this huge daunting mountain to climb, rephrasing it as "I want to see if I can get away with becoming a DJ" makes it feel lower-stakes and more fun.

With that phrasing, it becomes an adventure rather than an immense challenge. If you don't end up making it as a DJ, no big deal - you were just trying to see what you could pull off.

The inherent message is to not take yourself too seriously.

So, now I want to ask you: 

Journal Prompt

What's something you'd like to try "getting away with"? What's a dream or unconventional path you've been curious about but haven't pursued because it seemed too difficult or far-fetched? Reframing it through this lens makes it feel more approachable and liberating.

Happy journaling,


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