Day 43: Want vs. Yearn ⚡

What do you want vs. what do you yearn for?

Good morning!

We all have desires that motivate us.

However, there are different layers to our desires. 

On one level, there are the surface wants, such as material possessions, accomplishments, or temporary pleasures. 

Then there are the deeper yearnings that emerge from our authentic, truest selves. These can feel more subtle but also more profound - the longing for purpose, growth, connection, or contribution. 

At times, our superficial wants can conflict with and pull us away from our deeper yearnings, even if the wiser part of us knows the superficial wants won't truly fulfill us.

Here's a journal prompt to explore this idea:

Journal Prompt

What do you want vs. what do you yearn for? Make two lists - one of the things you currently want (material items, achievements, experiences etc.) and one of the deeper yearnings you have (for purpose, connection, growth etc.).

Reflect on the differences between the two lists. Do your surface wants align with or distract from your core yearnings? What might it look like to lead a life more oriented around your deepest yearnings?

Happy journaling,


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