Day 46: Being worthy 💌

Create a list of everything you're worthy of.


Happy Saturday 🙂 

Today’s journal prompt is an extension of Thursday’s prompt on taking up space. And it has to do with worthiness.

I've come to recognize a deep-rooted limiting belief that seems to be pervasive not just within myself, but in most people I encounter. It’s this:

“I’m not worthy.”

It personally took me years of therapy to pinpoint when I started believing this. But I eventually figured it out.

In 2nd grade, I really struggled with reading. So much so, that I was eventually taken out of class with the “normal kids” to go sit with the “slower kids” at Reading Partners to get me up to speed with the rest of the class.

This, of course, isn’t how the teachers phrased it. Reading Partners was meant to be fun and engaging. Not a punishment.

Unfortunately in my 7-year-old brain, I understood it as: “I’m not worthy to be with the ‘normal kids’ in class.” And good god has it been one hell of a journey to re-write that limiting belief operating in my subconscious. 

Thankfully, I’ve slowly been chipping away at it over the years and found that taking the time to write down what I AM worthy of helps tremendously.

Such as being worthy of a safe place to live. Being worthy of meaningful friendships. Being worthy of love.

Now over to you:

Journal Prompt

Dedicate at least 15 minutes to journaling about all the things you deserve and are worthy of experiencing in life. Consider making a list starting each point with "I am worthy of..." and allow yourself to freely explore where those thoughts lead you.

Happy journaling,


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