Day 49: Letting go 🍃

Reflect on things you can let go of.


At its core, life is a continual process of letting go. 

Letting go of rigid expectations about how things "should" unfold. Letting go of long-held grudges, like the one against your sister for taking your perfume years ago. Or letting go of disappointment when the weather doesn't cooperate with your beach plans.

The beautiful thing about letting go is that it creates space - space for something new and positive to enter your life. When you release what no longer serves you, you open yourself up to fresh experiences and perspectives.

With that in mind, here's today’s writing prompt:

Journal Prompt

For the next 15 minutes, reflect on things you can let go of - anger, guilt, resentments, or any other burdens you've been unnecessarily carrying.

Explore the freedom that comes with releasing these things that weigh you down.

Happy journaling,


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