Day 5: Taking a Sabbath 🛁

Create a Sabbath for yourself.

Good morning ☀️

And happy Cinco de Mayo for those of you who celebrate!

Today’s journal prompt is all about the Sabbath. In Casper ter Kuile’s book, The Power of Ritual: Turning Everyday Activities into Soulful Practices, he argues that you don’t have to be religious to take a Sabbath.

In fact, carving out time for restorative rest and deep self-connection is a practice from which we could all benefit.

Sabbaths can manifest in various formsit could be a tech sabbath, where you unplug from digital devices, a solo sabbath dedicated to introspective 'me time', or a sabbath centered around playful, creative pursuits.

However, the defining characteristic of a true sabbath is establishing a structured set of rules and boundaries that dictate what activities are permitted and prohibited during that period.

As Kuile elegantly simplifies it, taking a Sabbath “draws us out of our everyday habits and into a deeper presence… [and a Sabbath] inverts some of the most destructive stories we tell ourselves: that we are what we do, that we’re worth only what we create.” 

Journal Prompt

Create a Sabbath for yourself.

- What day and timeframe will you claim as your Sabbath? (e.g. on Sundays from morning until 5:00 pm). 

- What rules will you set for yourself? (e.g. I’ll turn off my phone and commit to spending time in nature with my loved ones).

- What do you hope to get from the experience? (e.g. To allow new ideas to organically emerge, without forcing anything).

Have a beautiful Sunday. I’ll see you here tomorrow!


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