Day 6: (Super)optimism 😄

How will you celebrate yourself today?

Morning! ☀️

Did you sleep OK?

Today’s writing prompt was inspired by The SuperOptimist Guide to Unconventional Living.

In the book, the authors dedicate a page to showing just how insane it is that we’re here, alive on this planet.

“Scientists have estimated the probability of you being born at about one and four hundred trillion…So the odds that you exist are basically zero. But because you do exist, and you’re now aware of how precarious that is, you’re the big winner today in the jackpot of life. Even if all you’re doing right now is eating a chicken burrito with extra hot sauce.”

Journal Prompt

Let's take a moment to acknowledge and honor something positive about yourself. Perhaps you've recently achieved a goal or milestone that deserves recognition? Or maybe you simply want to celebrate the remarkable fact of your existence, defying the infinitesimal odds? How do you plan to celebrate yourself today?

Stoked to be here on this floating rock in the middle of the universe with you.✌️


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