Day 78: Legacy 🌳

How do you want people to remember you?


I just got back to my hometown of Tucson, Arizona after spending yesterday visiting my uncle in Wisconsin.

Unfortunately, he has cancer that has now spread to his bones. 

He doesn’t want to do chemo and instead, wants to spend his last year at home with his friends and family.

During our visit, we played cards and shared stories, and then my Uncle let us go through the things he wanted to give away, like a few of my Grandma’s paintings and some of my Grandpa’s hand-carved walking sticks that were gifted to him years ago. 

It was sweet he wanted to give us these things.

But it also made me sad.

It got me thinking about what we all boil down to in the end. Because most of the things that we acquire over the years will just be passed down, given away, or donated. 

So what will people want to remember us by?

Now let’s head to the prompt:

Journal Prompt

What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want people to remember you?

Happy journaling,


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