Day 8: Tracking energy levels ⚡

Better understand "Energy Givers" vs. "Energy Drainers".

Morning! ☀️

Have you ever walked away from something (maybe an event, a job, or a casual hangout) feeling drained? Conversely, have you experienced doing something that left you feeling completely energized and invigorated?

When contemplating things we "should" do, we often rely solely on our intellect instead of tuning into the signals our bodies send us.

For me, I've realized that going for a walk while listening to a podcast instantly boosts my energy levels and sparks inspiration. 

On the other hand, going out to dinner in a group setting (especially when the restaurant A/C is cranked up all the way) completely drains me.

Developing an awareness of what gives us energy versus what zaps our energy levels helps us better understand ourselves.

Which brings me to today's prompt:

Journal Prompt

Create a two-column table in your journal. Label one column "Energy Givers" and the other "Energy Drainers." Next, list activities, hobbies, events, etc. that either invigorate you and spark inspiration under "Energy Givers," or deplete or exhaust you under "Energy Drainers." 

Once you've completed populating both columns, write about how you can better prioritize engaging in the energy-giving pursuits, and how you can establish boundaries to limit exposure to the energy-draining ones.

Happy journaling,


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