Day 1: Childhood 👼

Examine the activities and hobbies you used to do as a kid.

Good morning,

Welcome to day one of our year-long journaling adventure!

To start off, we'll explore our deepest psychological scars from our formative years.

Surprised Wait What GIF

Okay, totally kidding. 

Rather than diving into anything too intense, today's journal prompt is all about looking back on the activities you absolutely loved as a kid—the things that made you light up with excitement and pure happiness.

Let’s go to the prompt:

Journal Prompt

Recall the activities and hobbies that you loved doing as a 5 or 6-year-old kid. What things brought you immense joy and excitement back then? Do you still indulge in any of those beloved childhood pursuits nowadays? Why or why not?

This prompt was inspired by the teachings of Lacy Phillips from To Be Magnetic. Through her podcast and supporting app, she guides individuals to reconnect with their inner child and address limiting beliefs that may be holding them back.

And in case you missed our email before the launch, take a look at it here to discover three tips for achieving success with your journaling practice.

Happy journaling and I’ll see you here tomorrow!


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